Victory and Success Quotes By Beautiful Minds

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 Victory and Success Quotes By Beautiful Minds

Victory and Success Quotes By Beautiful Minds

The best policy is to declare victory and leave. Author: George D Aiken: Victory

Kings may be blest, but Tam was glorious, O'er a' the ills o' life victorious. Author: Robert Burns: Victory

Who thought he'd won The field as certain as a gun. Author: James Butler: Victory

Out spoke the victor then, As he hail'd them o'er the wave, Ye are brothers! ye are men! And we conquer but to save; So peace instead of death let us bring; But yield, proud foe, let us bring; With the crews, at England's feet, And make submission meet To our King. Author: Thomas Campbell: Victory

Victory has a hundred fathers, but defeat is an orphan. Author: Thomas Campbell: Victory

Success Quotes By Good Minds

Success Quotes By Good Minds

Not one of all the purple host Who took the flag to-day Can tell the definition So clear of victory, As he, defeated, dying, On whose forbidden ear The distant strains of triumph Break agonized and clear. Author: Emily Dickinson: Victory

Our peace must be a peace of victors, not of the vanquished. Author: General Ferdinand Foch: Victory

Victory is a thing of the will. Author: General Ferdinand Foch: Victory

A Cadmean victory. Author: General Ferdinand Foch: Victory

To the victors belong the spoils. Author: General Ferdinand Foch: Victory

triumph Quotes

Triumph Quotes

From what far, the heavenly height of hope Didst thou descend to light our way, Cleaving with flash of snowy robe Time's dusky veil of twilight gray?Author: Julia Larned: Victory

Peace must be framed on so equitable a basis, that the nations would not wish to disturb it . . . so that the confidence of the German people shall be put in the equity of their cause and not in the might of their armies. Author: David Lloyd George: Victory

The victorious cause pleased the gods, but the victory pleased Cato. Author: Lucanus: Victory

You know how to win the victory, Hannibal, you do not how to use it. Author: Maharbal: Victory

They see nothing wrong in the rule, that to the victors belong the spoils of the enemy. Author: William L Marcy: Victory

Who overcomes By force, hath overcome but half his foe. Author: John Milton: Victory

There are some defeats more triumphant than victories. Author: Michael Eyquen: Victory

Then should some cloud pass over The brow of sire or lover, Think 'tis the shade By Victory 

made Whose wings right o'er us hover! Author: Thomas Moore: Victory

Conquest Quotes

Conquest Quotes

Westminster Abbey, or Victory. Author: Lord Horatio Nelson: Victory

Before this time tomorrow, I shall have gained a peerage or Westminister Abbey. Author: Lord Horatio Nelson: Victory

We have met the enemy and they are ours. Author: Oliver Hazard Perry: Victory

Woe to the vanquished!Author: Plautus: Victory

We conquered France, but felt our captive's charms, Her arts victorious triumph o'er our arms. Author: Alexander Pope: Victory

But if We have such another victory, we are undone. Author: Alexander Pope: Victory

Hail! Thou as victor crowned. Author: B G Schumacher: Victory

The people who remained victorious were less like conquerors than conquered. Author: St Augustine: Victory

The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses - behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights. Author: Muhammad Ali: Victory

The most dangerous moment comes with victory. Napoleon Bonaparte

The most dangerous moment comes with victory. Napoleon Bonaparte

The most dangerous moment comes with victory. Author: Napoleon Bonaparte: Victory

Victory is sweetest when you've known defeat. Author: Malcolm Forbes: Victory

One may know how to gain a victory, and know not how to use it. Author: Pedro Calderón De La Barca: Victory

There are victories of the soul and spirit. Sometimes, even if you lose, you win. Author: Elie Wiesel: Victory

Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival. Author: Winston Churchill: Victory

There are many victories worse than a defeat. Author: George Eliot: Victory

The ultimate victory in competition is derived from the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your best and that you have gotten the most out of what you had to give. Author: Howard Cosell: Victory

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. Author: Thomas Paine: Victory

Men talk as if victory were something fortunate. Work is victory. Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson: Victory

It is the fight alone that pleases us, not the victory. Author: Blaise Pascal: Victory

The will to conquer is the first condition of victory. Author: Ferdinand Foch: Victory

In war there is no substitute for victory. Author: General Douglas MacArthur: Victory

Victory; a matter of staying power. Author: Elbert Hubbard: Victory

Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. Author: Vince Lombardi: Victory

Quotes of Victory and Successful Approach

I look at victory as milestones on a very long highway. Author: Joan Benoit Samuelson: Victory

As always, victory finds a hundred fathers but defeat is an orphan. Author: Count Galeazzo Ciano: Victory

The secret of all victory lies in the organization of the non-obvious. Author: Oswald Spengler: Victory

In defeat unbeatable; in victory unbearable.

In defeat unbeatable; in victory unbearable. Author: Sir Winston Churchill: Victory

The most urgent necessity in human life is to be able to face life victoriously. For many are living mentally, physically, morally, and spiritually defeated. Author: F A Wickett: Victory

The nerve that never relaxes, the eye that never blanches, the thought that never wanders, the purpose that never wavers - these are the masters of victory. Author: Edmund Burke: Victory

I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self. Author: Aristotle: Victory

Not might but light lit Maccabees' lamp through the night. Author: O Anna Niemus: Victory

Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing. Author: Red Sanders: Victory

We should wage war not to win the war, but to win the peace. Author: Paul Hoffman: Victory

For when the One Great Scorer comes to mark against your name, He writes--not that you won or lost--but how you played the game. Author: Grantland Rice: Victory

I do not think that winning is the most important thing. I think winning is the only thing.

I do not think that winning is the most important thing. I think winning is the only thing. Author: Bill Veeck: Victory

It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it. Author: Douglas Macarthur: Victory

No retreat. No retreat. They must conquer or die who've no retreat. Author: John Gay: Victory

Victory and defeat are each of the same prices. Author: Thomas Jefferson: Victory

The greatest conqueror is he who overcomes the enemy without a blow. Author: Chinese Proverb: Victory

The smile of God is victory. Author: John Greenleaf Whittier: Victory

The god of victory is said to be one-handed, but peace gives victory on both sides. Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson: Victory

One may know how to gain a victory and know not how to use it. Author: Barca: Victory

One by one in many countries they break through the ice of fear.. cups of crocuses .. stand up in caucuses. East to West from Africa to the Caucusus and state their eternal allegiance to the Creator Sun. Author: Saiom Shriver: Victory

Victories that are easy are cheap. Those only are worth having which come as the result of hard fighting. Author: Henry Ward Beecher: Victory

Victory has 100 fathers and defeat is an orphan

Victory has 100 fathers and defeat is an orphan. Author: Proverb: Victory

Whether in chains or in laurels, liberty knows nothing but victories. Author: Douglas Macarthur: Victory

I would rather lose in a cause that will someday win, than win in a cause that will someday lose! Author: Woodrow Wilson: Victory

Beware of rashness, but with energy, and sleepless vigilance, go forward and give us victories. Author: Abraham Lincoln: Victory

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